Customer Stories

How Crystal helped AQ Forensics streamline crypto investigations

AQ Forensics founder and CEO Albert Quehenberger shares his experience of working with Crystal to assist in solving a major crypto theft case.






Crystal Expert

The main challenge

AQ Forensics was not satisfied with the solutions available and was in the market for a scalable, flexible crypto investigations tool with powerful visualisation tools and trusted data.

Why AQ Forensics chose Crystal


Albert discovered Crystal through internet research on blockchain analytics. He approached Crystal and was surprised and delighted by our same-day response. Crystal and AQ Forensics have been proud partners ever since. Albert immediately noticed the open and welcoming attitude of Crystal’s team. Crystal continuously engaged with and developed the tool with Albert, according to his specific requirements. He needed a trustworthy tool that could not only conduct risk assessments on e-Wallets but also extract transaction data and visualize findings in a user-friendly way. As well as this, Crystal’s solution offered a highly accurate database that supported both Alberts’s day-to-day operations and their larger-scale investigations. 

“The ability to exchange data seamlessly played a crucial role in assisting a client without burdening law enforcement with a prolonged case.”
Albert Quehenberger AQ Forensics founder and CEO

The solution

Crystal continuously engaged with and developed the tool with Albert, according to his specific requirements. He needed
a trustworthy tool that could not only conduct risk assessments on e-Wallets but also extract transaction data and visualize findings in a user-friendly way. As well as this, Crystal s solution offered a highly accurate database that supported both Alberts s day-to-day operations and their larger-scale investigations.

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